The common thread throughout my career has been data. I spent time in industry as a developer, training engineer, and project manager. I’ve always enjoyed working to get answers out of datasets, whether that was keeping track of budgets in Excel or writing SQL queries to generate reports. I am now interested in exploring the many techniques that can be used to prepare data prior to analysis.

I am currently a data engineer at a non-profit and adjunct instructor in the College of Information at the University of Maryland.

I have a BA in Philosophy from Ripon College and a MS in Information Systems from UMBC.


I am a survivor of Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia. Besides the support of my family and partner, I was also personally helped through this journey by these organizations:

I did not directly receive help from Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, but it is through their research support that APL is so survivable. I would love for all cancers to be as treatable.

Technical Stuff About This Site

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