Among my hobbies, I am an amateur radio operator. I have the callsign, K3CUU. This is a vanity call that I chose when I upgraded to General from Technical (where I was KB3NDF). I chose K3CUU because I spent my formative years listening to my dad’s station chirping out morse code. The sound of “CQ CQ CQ DE N1CUU N1CUU N1CUU” is permanently burned into my head from the days of the photo below. You can’t see it in the picture, but on that desk there is a similar picture sitting at his dad’s station.

Donal at his father N1CUU's station

My dad, N1CUU, is still operating and we’ve been known to make it to FDIM and the Hamvention together.

We both tend to operate QRP when the bands cooperate. I am usually operating an Elecraft KX2, but I also have a TenTec Argonaut V. I also have thing for building kits, so there are various random transceivers, transmitters, and receivers that make it onto my desk.

I finally live on a property where I can have a real antenna. I have a Carolina Windom that runs north/south on my property and seems to do fine business.

73, K3CUU